Surprise Exploding Box Card for a special day...

Just because it's Handmade doesn't mean it was cheap........the person who made it spent their valuable time from his/her  busy schedule especially for you......because you are special to them.......

Hand made gifts are priceless..... 

The present tutorial of making Exploding box card is a fun and creative way to express your love in a personalized way. You can also add photos and some special gifts to it. The person feels happy while seeing this and once the lid is opened it is like WOW !!!!!!

Materials Required:

  1. Colored card stock (I chose red & black)
  2. color sheets
  3. Scale/Ruler
  4. Pencil
  5. Glue 
  6. Scissors
  7. Decorative ribbon


  • Take a card stock of red color for base and cut it in to square shape  of  24cm * 24cm. Divide it in to 3 equal parts in all directions then you will end up with a square grid and then fold along the lines in inward direction. Also mark lines diagonally across the four squares in the corners and again fold along the marks in outward direction.          Note: Use tip of the scissors to mark the lines so that there wont be any leftover pencil marks on the sheet and also folding of sheet becomes easy with this.

  • Draw heart shapes(top part of the heart shape) on four corner squares and cut out the excess sheet.  To make all the heart shapes looks exactly similar, you can  keep this excess sheet of the first drawn heart shape on to the other ones and mark the shape accordingly.

  • Take the measurement of middle rectangle ( 24cm * 8cm) , trim your contrast color sheets in to rectangles accordingly(can trim slightly smaller than the exact measurement) and glue them one over the other at the center of the box. At this point, you can add as many sheets as you wish and do whatever decoration that comes in to your mind like adding photos, messages etc. With this we completed making card.

  • Now, for lid take a card stock of black color and cut it in to square shape  same as the measurement of the base i.e., 24cm * 24cm then divide it in to 3 equal parts in all directions just as you did for base. But this time instead of keeping all the corners as squares, just make some shape and cut the excess sheet. Flip along the lines and apply glue to fix all the sides together to make as a box shape. 

  • Place this lid over the card and tie a decorative ribbon. Now your Exploding box card is complete.

  • Get ready to surprise your beloved.

Thanks for reading. I hope you like it.

I would love to see your comments on this, and if you have any ideas or suggestions to make it better - or any doubts in the tutorial  - please feel free to mention them in the comments box below. I will definitely do my best to help!

Have a great day…… Bye…..

- Vydehi
